Page 10 - DC_SWISS(Catalogue_TM_ES-EN)
P. 10
El valor de nuestro Saber Hacer se traduce por una ma- Relaciones a largo plazo se construyen unicamente sobre
nera unica de resolver problemas y de asociar el conjunto base de confianza, transparencia y compromisos quotidiano
de conocimientos, experiencias y competencia acumuladas de cada uno de nuestros colaboradores a suministrar a nues-
desde 1940. tros clientes herramientas y servicios de maxima calidad.
The value of our know-how represents in a unique way the We know that lasting relationships can only be built on the
solving of problems and articulates, implements and asso- basic of confidence, transparency and the daily efforts of
ciates the whole knowledge, experiences and competences each of our employees to provide our customers with tools
accumulated since 1940. and services of an excellent quality.