Page 8 - PB_SWISS(PBST-Katalog-2020-2021-SORTE-5-EN-ES-EAN)
P. 8
100% Swiss Made
Shooting Location
SAC Monte Rosa
Zermatt, 16-19 April 2018 Zermatt (Suiza), 16 a 19 de abril de 2018
At approximately 3000 m above mean sea level, there Aproximadamente a 3000 m sobre£el nivel del mar,
was little snow due to the moderate temperatures. la nieve escasea debido a las temperaturas cálidas.
The overriding priority was the safety of all the par- La máxima prioridad es salvaguardar la seguridad de
ticipants. At all the locations, many of them very todos los participantes. Durante las sesiones fotográ-
exposed, both the photographer and models were ficas realizadas a menudo en escenarios expuestos,
professionally secured. We would like to express our tanto el fotógrafo como los modelos fueron asegu-
heartfelt thanks to hut manager Peter Rubin and his rados de forma profesional. Muchísimas gracias al
team for their excellent support. encargado de la cabaña, Peter Rubin, y a su equipo.
Nos prestaron un apoyo perfecto.